warehousing transport, OOg & more..
We pride ourselves as problem solvers within the shipping, haulage and warehousing industries. Enquire about working together.
Cars, cars, cars...
Recently we were tasked with unloading, checking and delivering a large shipment of new electric cars from Korean car giant Build Your Dream. We also have just finished a project of converted Toyota Hilux's for the Senegalese Ambulance Service. Next some of the team turned all 007 for this beautiful Aston Martin and a finally a Pagani Huayra for you car lovers.
Albert Einstein recognised the value in experience and Cargo Secure has been established since 1989. We started stevedoring general cargo ships, handling the biggest of the large break bulk cargo and securing them aboard vessel. Cargo Secure handled all of the forest line barges in the dock basin before it became a container terminal.
From humble beginnings the company has grown, Cargo Secure invested heavily in Felixstowe before expanding to Southampton and London Gateway. Now able to offer over 400,000 sq ft of warehousing, a dedicated 3 acre heavy lift depot, a variety of outside yard spaces. This enables Cargo Secure to handle every aspect of the shipping industry across the UK.